Almandine garnet palm with blood red garnet - GAR58


Almandine garnet palm stone with incredible, gemmy, blood red garnet inclusions. From India. GAR58 Almandine garnet is a crystal that enhances your vitality and strength. It stimulates your life force energy, boosting your physical and emotional stamina. Almandine garnet also promotes grounding and stability, helping you stay centered during challenging times. It encourages courage and determination, enabling you to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals. Almandine garnet is a powerful crystal for resilience. #FeatherlightDustGarnet #FeatherlightDust #garnet #almandinegarnet #Indiangarnet #garnetpalm #garnetheart #Indiagarnet #almandine #almandinegarnetpalm #almandinegarnetheart #almandinegarnetdodecahedron
