Valentine's Day weekend flash sale — 20% off!

Ametrine pocket stone with intense rainbows - AM71


Dark purple ametrine — amethyst and citrine — pocket stone with intense rainbows. ✨ Brazil ✨ Measurements: 27.5mm x 22.4mm x 17mm ✨ Weight: 14.9g ✨ FREE SHIPPING! Ametrine is a crystal that enhances your spiritual clarity and balance. It combines the energies of amethyst and citrine, promoting a harmonious integration of spiritual and material aspects. Ametrine also stimulates creativity and enhances mental focus, aiding in decision-making and problem-solving. It brings a sense of inner peace and joy, supporting your spiritual and personal growth. Ametrine is a powerful crystal for clarity, balance, and creative expression. AM71 #FeatherlightDustAmethyst #FeatherlightDustRainbows #FeatherlightDust #amethyst #rainbowamethyst #rainbowquartz #ametrine #rainbowametrine #fingerprintamethyst #phantomamethyst #amethystfaceted #ametrinefaceted #amethystcabochon #amethystwithhematite #hematiteamethyst #redhematiteamethyst
