Valentine's Day weekend flash sale — 20% off!

Blade selenite cluster with glass-like clarity - SEL88



Blade selenite cluster with bunches of razor blade-like crystallisations growing in several directions, with glass-like clarity, and rainbows. ✨ Origin: Guizhou, China ✨ Measurements: 100mm x 94mm x 103mm ✨ Weight: 373.5g ✨ FREE WORLDWIDE SHIPPING! ✈️ Selenite is a variety of gypsum, a common evaporite mineral that forms under specific conditions involving the evaporation of mineral-rich solutions. The selenite crystals in this specimen have grown together in a cluster, forming elongated, razor-blade shaped crystalline structures. The selenite points exhibit an exceptional level of clarity, appearing almost glass-like in their transparency. This high degree of clarity is a result of the conditions under which the crystals formed, allowing them to grow with minimal impurities or inclusions. The cluster also displays subtle rainbow-like refractions of light across its surface. This is caused by the angled, layered structure of the selenite crystals, which act as a natural prism to break up and disperse the light. The crystals are from the Guizhou province in China, a region known for producing high-quality selenite specimens. Blade selenite is a crystal that enhances your spiritual clarity and connection. It amplifies your intuition and psychic abilities, facilitating spiritual insight and guidance. Blade selenite also promotes energetic cleansing and purification, clearing away negative energies and blockages. It brings a sense of peace and tranquility, aiding in meditation and spiritual exploration. SEL88 #FeatherlightDustSelenite #FeatherlightDustClusters #FeatherlightDust #selenitecluster #bladeselenitecluster #bladeselenite #seleniteblade #selenitebladecluster #razorbladeselenite #selenite #glassselenite #seleniteblades #razorselenite #seleniteslices #Ramshorn #Ramshornselenite #popcornselenite

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