Valentine's Day weekend flash sale — 20% off!

Blue ametrine with star, pyramids, rainbows - A34


Blue amethyst and citrine sphere with star amethyst, phantom pyramids, and rainbows. Measurements: 43.3mm across Weight: 113g Locale: Brazil Blue amethyst and citrine carry metaphysical properties that can enhance your spiritual growth and manifest abundance in your life. Blue amethyst promotes spiritual clarity, intuition, and communication with higher realms. Citrine brings joy, abundance, and manifestation energy. Together, they create a harmonious combination that supports spiritual expansion while attracting prosperity and abundance. Embrace their energy to amplify your intuition, manifest your desires, and experience a sense of spiritual and material abundance. A34 #amethyst #ametrine #ametrinesphere #rainbowametrine #Amethystsphere #rainbowamethyst #thirdeye #thirdeyechakra #fingerprint #phantomamethyst #fingerpritnamethyst #FeatherlightDust #FeatherlightDustAmethyst #FeatherlightDustRainbows
