Blue aragonite cluster with spray crystallization - AR76


Blue aragonite spray cluster with icy glacial blue spray crystallizations and botryoidal formations. From China. AR76 This is a collector's piece that's one of a kind. Blue aragonite possesses metaphysical properties that can bring serenity and tranquility to your life. The blue color promotes calmness and relaxation, soothing your mind and emotions. The spray formations enhance communication and self-expression, facilitating clear and effective articulation of your thoughts. Blue aragonite with spray formations also aids in releasing emotional blockages and fostering a sense of stability and balance. It has a gentle energy that will help you find inner peace, enhance communication skills, and create a harmonious environment around you. #FeatherlightDustAragonite #FeatherlightDustClusters #FeatherlightDust #aragonite #yellowaragonite #whitearagonite #bluearagonite #aragonitecluster #aragonitewithcalcite #aragonitecalcite #bluearagonitesphere #bluearagonite #bluearagonitetowers #bluearagonitespecimen #bluearagonitespray #spraycluster #bluearagonitecluster #aragonitetowers #druzyaragonite #aragonitewithdruzy
