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Blue aragonite cluster with spray formations - AR61



Blue aragonite needle cluster with beautiful spray formations. Locale: China The cluster is composed of numerous slender, needle-like aragonite crystals that radiate outwards in a spray-like formation. These needle-like crystals are clustered together, creating an overall clustered or druzy appearance. The spray-like formations likely developed as the aragonite crystals grew outwards from a central point. As the individual crystals elongated, they formed the distinctive radiating, spray-like pattern. Aragonite is a polymorph of calcium carbonate, meaning it has the same chemical composition as calcite but a different crystal structure. The blue coloration in this specimen is likely due to the presence of trace impurities, such as copper, within the crystal structure. Blue aragonite is a crystal that brings calming energy and emotional stability to your life. Its soothing blue color promotes relaxation and stress relief. Blue aragonite assists in releasing emotional blockages and promoting self-expression. This crystal also enhances your intuition and psychic abilities, allowing for deeper spiritual connection and insight. AR61 #FeatherlightDustAragonite #FeatherlightDustClusters #FeatherlightDust #aragonite #yellowaragonite #whitearagonite #bluearagonite #aragonitecluster #aragonitewithcalcite #aragonitecalcite #bluearagonitesphere #bluearagonite #bluearagonitetowers #bluearagonitespecimen #bluearagonitespray #spraycluster #bluearagonitecluster #aragonitetowers #druzyaragonite #aragonitewithdruzy

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