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Giant moving bubble enhydro DT quartz - EN92



Giant moving bubble enhydro DT quartz - EN92 Enhydro quartz is a unique crystal that contains trapped water within its structure. Enhydro quartz aids in emotional healing and release, allowing you to navigate through challenging emotions with greater ease. It symbolizes emotional flow and adaptability, and promotes flexibility, resilience, and the ability to go with the flow. Enhydro quartz supports you in embracing change and finding emotional balance on your journey of personal growth. #FeatherlightDustEnhydros #FeatherlightDust #enhydro #enhydrodt #blacksandenhydro #micaenhydro #bigbubbleenhydro #enhydroscepter #scepterenhydro #smokyquartz #smokyquartzenhydro #enhydrowand #wandenhydro #giantbubbleenhydro #bubbleenhydro #waterbubbleenhydro #waterenhydro #carbonenhydro #enhydrocabochon

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