Golden rutilated quartz sphere - RT24



Golden rutilated quartz sphere with groups of golden rutiles growing in the same direction, looking like they criss-cross each other in a very clear clear quartz - RT24 Golden rutilated quartz infuses you with powerful energy and divine illumination. This crystal stimulates your spiritual growth and enhances your intuition. Golden rutilated quartz also helps you release negative patterns and self-limiting beliefs, promoting personal transformation. It amplifies your manifestation abilities and attracts abundance into your life. Golden rutilated quartz is a potent ally for connecting with higher realms and embracing your highest potential. #FeatherlightDustRutiles #rutiles #FeatherlightDust #rutilated #rutilatedquartz #goldenrutile #rainbowrutile #stoneinstone #copperrutilatedquartz #copperrutile #copperrutiles #silverrutiles #silverrutile #goldenrutiles #fireworksrutile #goldentitaniumrutiles #rutileinquartz #rutilequartz #rainbowrutiles #rainbowrutilated #flowerrutile #flowerbudrutile #flowerrutilequartz #pinkrutilatedquartz #pinkrutiles
