Golden starburst rutiles on black hematite - RT332



Golden exposed starburst rutiles on black hematite. Locale: Novo Horizonte, Bahia, Brazil Golden rutiles on black hematite create a powerful combination of grounding and amplifying energies. This crystal combination enhances manifestation and abundance, helping you attract prosperity and success. It also promotes clarity of thought and decision-making, guiding you towards your goals. Golden rutiles on black hematite inspire strength and determination, supporting you in overcoming challenges and obstacles. This crystal combination is a potent tool for manifestation, clarity, and inner strength. ✨To prepare them for shipping, these are carefully wrapped in a layer of cotton first, then wrapped in a soft and flexible foam material, then finally wrapped in bubble wrap before placing in a well-padded box.✨ RT332 #FeatherlightDustRutiles #rutiles #FeatherlightDust #rutilated #rutilatedquartz #goldenrutile #rainbowrutile #stoneinstone #copperrutilatedquartz #copperrutile #copperrutiles #silverrutiles #silverrutile #goldenrutiles #fireworksrutile #goldentitaniumrutiles #rutileinquartz #rutilequartz #rainbowrutiles #rainbowrutilated #flowerrutile #flowerbudrutile #flowerrutilequartz #pinkrutilatedquartz #pinkrutiles #exposedrutile #rutilehematite #rutiles #rutile

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