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Golden titanium V-shaped rutiles in quartz - RT82



Golden titanium rutilated quartz with the rutiles forming V shapes - RT82 Measurements: 40.5mm x 39.3mm 18.3mm Golden titanium rutilated quartz amplifies your energy and intention. This crystal combination enhances your spiritual connection and aligns you with higher frequencies. Golden titanium rutilated quartz promotes clarity of thought and manifestation. It stimulates personal growth and transformation, helping you release past patterns and embrace your true potential. This crystal also provides protection and grounding, allowing you to navigate spiritual experiences with strength and stability. #FeatherlightDustRutiles #rutiles #FeatherlightDust #rutilated #rutilatedquartz #goldenrutile #rainbowrutile #stoneinstone #copperrutilatedquartz #copperrutile #copperrutiles #silverrutiles #silverrutile #goldenrutiles #fireworksrutile #goldentitaniumrutiles #rutileinquartz #rutilequartz #rainbowrutiles #rainbowrutilated #flowerrutile #flowerbudrutile #flowerrutilequartz

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