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Golden titanium rutilated quartz sphere - RT46



Golden titanium rutilated quartz sphere with huge stunning bands of rutiles. Measurement: 26mm across Locale: Brazil Golden titanium rutilated quartz amplifies your spiritual energy and manifestation abilities. This crystal combination enhances your intuition and connection to higher realms, facilitating spiritual growth and insight. Golden titanium rutilated quartz promotes clarity and focus, helping you align with your divine purpose. It also empowers you to release limiting beliefs and embrace your true potential. This crystal combination supports your spiritual journey and personal transformation. RT46 #FeatherlightDustRutiles #rutiles #FeatherlightDust #rutilated #rutilatedquartz #goldenrutile #rainbowrutile #stoneinstone #copperrutilatedquartz #copperrutile #copperrutiles #silverrutiles #silverrutile #goldenrutiles #fireworksrutile #goldentitaniumrutiles #rutileinquartz #rutilequartz #rainbowrutiles #rainbowrutilated #flowerrutile #flowerbudrutile #flowerrutilequartz #pinkrutilatedquartz #pinkrutiles

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