Lemurian point with ascension lines - LQ103



Water-clear Lemurian point with ascension lines - LQ103 Lemurian points are crystals that bring ancient wisdom, spiritual connection, and personal growth into your life. Their unique striations hold the knowledge of Lemuria. Lemurian points enhance your spiritual journey, facilitating deep spiritual connection and activation. They promote healing, releasing blockages, and restoring energetic balance. Lemurian points aid in accessing higher realms of consciousness and receiving spiritual guidance. These crystals are powerful tools for personal transformation and expansion of consciousness. Lemurian points stimulate and activate the third eye and crown chakras, which are associated with intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual insight. Meditate with Lemurian points to enhance intuitive abilities, psychic perception, and the ability to receive guidance from higher realms. Lemurian points help remove energetic blockages, cleanse the aura, and harmonize the chakras. Use Lemurian points in energy healing practices to facilitate the flow of vital life force energy and promote overall well-being. The unique striations on the surfaces are "record keepers" that can hold and transmit information. Program these crystals with your intentions, affirmations, or desires, to amplify your manifestation efforts. #FeatherlightDustLemurian #FeatherlightDust #Lemurian #Lemuria #lemurianquartz #lemurianseed #santander #Colombia #colombianlemurian #SantanderLemurian #ColombiaLemurian #seedcrystal #seedquartz #lemuriancrystal #bladesoflight
