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Malachite with botryoidal bubble formations - MAL54



Malachite cluster with velvety botryoidal bubble formations - MAL54 Malachite is a crystal that enhances your transformation and spiritual evolution. It promotes emotional healing and releases old patterns, allowing for personal growth and renewal. Malachite also stimulates your intuition and insight, providing guidance along your path. It balances your heart chakra, fostering compassion and love for yourself and others. Malachite is a powerful crystal for transformation, emotional healing, and spiritual evolution. #FeatherlightDustMalachite #FeatherlightDustClusters #FeatherlightDust #malachite #malachitestone #malachitejewelry #malachites #malachitegreen #malachitecrystal #botryoidalmalachite #Botryoidal #velvetymalachite #malachitering #malachitenecklace #malachitebracelet #malachitependant #malachiteazurite

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