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Pink Caribbean calcite tower - CC16



Pink Caribbean calcite tower - CC16 Measurements: 121mm x 28mm x 21mm Weight: 174g Pink Caribbean calcite brings a gentle and soothing energy to your being. This crystal encourages emotional healing and supports you in releasing past traumas. It promotes self-love and compassion, fostering a sense of inner peace. Pink Caribbean calcite enhances communication and encourages heartfelt connections with others. Its calming vibrations inspire relaxation and serenity, allowing you to find harmony within yourself and your surroundings. #FeatherlightDustCalcite #FeatherlightDustRainbows #FeatherlightDust #calcite #honeycalcite #rainbowcalcite #rainbowhoneycalcite #calcitecarving #calcitecrystal #calcitecube #calcitesphere #calcitetowers #calcitecluster #calcitestone #calcitepalmstone #calcitespecimen #honeycalcitecarving #honeycalcitesphere #honeycalcitecube #honeycalcitejewelry #honeycalcitetowers #honeycalcitesphere #rosecalcite #rosebladecalcite #whiterosecalcite #Caribbeancalcite #pinkCaribbeancalcite
