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Pink Lemurian cluster with mini double terminations - LQ178



Pink Lemurian cluster featuring multitudes of mini double terminations, all covered with rainbows. Locale: Colombia Pink Lemurian quartz vibrates with the energies of love, compassion, and emotional healing. The stone connects deeply with the heart chakra, facilitating the release of emotional wounds and past traumas. Its unique striated patterns serve as repositories of ancient wisdom and universal knowledge. Pink Lemurian activates your intuitive abilities and enhances psychic communication. The crystal helps you access the divine feminine energy and strengthens your connection to mother earth. When you work with Pink Lemurian, it opens channels to higher realms and facilitates communication with spirit guides. The stone's gentle energy promotes self-love and helps you maintain inner peace during challenging times. Its frequency resonates with the angelic realm, making it a powerful tool for spiritual growth and enlightenment. LQ178 #FeatherlightDustLemurian #FeatherlightDust #Lemurian #Lemuria #lemurianquartz #lemurianseed #santander #Colombia #colombianlemurian #SantanderLemurian #ColombiaLemurian #seedcrystal #seedquartz #lemuriancrystal #bladesoflight #pinklemurian #pinklemurianquartz #pinklemurianseedcrystal #pinklemuriancluster #pinklemurians #pinklemurianseed #pinklemuriancrystal

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