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Rhodonite raw stone in deep pink with quartz - RN10



Gemmy rhodonite raw stone with quartz inclusions. From Madagascar. RN10 Rhodonite's gentle pink hues inspire love, compassion, and emotional healing within your being. Rhodonite promotes forgiveness, self-love, and harmony in relationships. It encourages emotional balance, dispels anxiety, and nurtures a sense of inner peace. This crystal also enhances your self-confidence, self-worth, and encourages you to embrace your true potential. Allow rhodonite to guide you on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. #FeatherlightDustRhodonite #FeatherlightDustSkulls #FeatherlightDust #rhodonite #rhodonitestone #rhodonitecrystal #rhodonitetowers #rhodonitesphere #rhodonitebracelet #rhodonitejewelry #rhodoniteheart #rhodonitependant #rhodonitespheres #rhodonitering #rhodonitegemstone #rhodonitepalmstone #rhodonitetower #rhodonitenecklace #rhodonitecabochon #rhodonitebeads #rhodonitehearts #rhodoniteskull #rhodonitecrystals #rhodonitejewellery #rhodonitepyramid #rhodonitepoint #rhodoniteegg #rhodonitefreeform #rhodonitepalms
