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Royal blue botryoidal azurite malachite - AZ67



Royal blue, sparkly botryoidal bubble azurite malachite cluster. From China. AZ67 Azurite malachite carries metaphysical properties that can enhance your intuition, transformation, and emotional healing. Azurite stimulates psychic abilities, deepens spiritual insight, and promotes clear communication. Malachite supports emotional healing, transformation, and spiritual growth. Together, they create a powerful combination that facilitates inner exploration, balances emotions, and helps you embrace personal transformation. Embrace their energy to enhance your intuition, heal emotional wounds, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth. #FeatherlightDustAzurite #FeatherlightDustClusters #FeatherlightDust #azurite #azuritemalachite #azuritecrystal #azuritegeode #azuritejewelry #azuritestone #azuritemalachitechrysocolla #azuritependant #azuritecabochon #azuritechrysocolla #azurite #malachite #chrysocolla #malachitchrysocolla #gemazurite

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