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Smoky citrine twin point with pyramids - C117



Smoky citrine twin point with pyramid phantoms, rainbows, and gorgeous clarity. From Madagascar. C117 Smoky citrine is a crystal that brings abundance, protection, and transmutation into your life. Its smoky color combines the energies of both citrine and smoky quartz. This crystal enhances abundance and prosperity, attracting opportunities and abundance into your life. Smoky citrine also provides energetic protection, shielding you from negative influences and promoting a sense of security. It supports transmutation, assisting in the release of stagnant energy and promoting personal growth. #FeatherlightDustCitrine #FeatherlightDustRainbows #FeatherlightDust #citrine #citrinetower #rainbowcitrine #phantoms #phantommountains #thousandlayers #Citrinedt #phantomcitrine #smokycitrine #Madagascarcitrine #rainbowquartz #rainbowcitrine #citrineskull #pyramidphantom #citrinepoint

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