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Smoky citrine with long points and phantoms - C86



Madagascar smoky citrine cluster with long points, phantoms, and amazing clarity - C86 Smoky citrine combines the grounding and protective qualities of smoky quartz with the abundance and manifestation properties of citrine. It enhances your spiritual awareness and connection to the divine, promoting inner peace and tranquility. Smoky citrine stimulates your creativity and imagination, helping you to generate new ideas and solutions. This crystal aids in manifestation and abundance, attracting positive experiences and opportunities into your life. Smoky citrine supports emotional healing and release, helping you to let go of past traumas and move forward with a clear and open heart. It strengthens your connection to nature and the earth, promoting a sense of grounding and stability. #FeatherlightDustCitrine #FeatherlightDustRainbows #FeatherlightDust #citrine #citrinetower #rainbowcitrine #phantoms #phantommountains #thousandlayers #Citrinedt #phantomcitrine #smokycitrine #Madagascarcitrine

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