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Clear quartz enhydro with upwards moving carbon - EN68



Clear quartz enhydro raw stone with carbon that moves upwards instead of down - EN68 Clear quartz enhydros carry metaphysical properties that can enhance your clarity, transformation, and spiritual connection. This unique crystal contains ancient water pockets, symbolizing the flow of emotions and spiritual energy. Clear quartz amplifies intentions, promotes clarity, and aids in personal transformation. Embrace its energy to access deep wisdom, facilitate spiritual growth, and experience a renewed sense of clarity and purification on your journey. #FeatherlightDustEnhydros #FeatherlightDustRecordKeeper #FeatherlightDust #enhydro #enhydrodt #blacksandenhydro #micaenhydro #bigbubbleenhydro #enhydroscepter #scepterenhydro #smokyquartz #smokyquartzenhydro #enhydrowand #wandenhydro #giantbubbleenhydro #bubbleenhydro #waterbubbleenhydro #waterenhydro #carbonenhydro #enhydrocabochon #recordkeeperenhydro
