Pink Lemurian cluster with glass-like clarity - LQ169



Pink Lemurian cluster with glass-like clarity and rainbows everywhere - LQ169 Pink Lemurian is a crystal that brings love, healing, and spiritual connection into your life. Its soft pink color emanates gentle and nurturing energies. This crystal promotes self-love and compassion, fostering deep emotional healing and forgiveness. Pink Lemurian also enhances spiritual connection, facilitating communication with higher realms and spiritual guides. It supports you in cultivating a heart-centered approach to life, promoting love, kindness, and empathy towards yourself and others. #FeatherlightDustLemurian #FeatherlightDust #Lemurian #Lemuria #lemurianquartz #lemurianseed #santander #Colombia #colombianlemurian #SantanderLemurian #ColombiaLemurian #seedcrystal #seedquartz #lemuriancrystal #bladesoflight #pinklemurian #pinklemurianquartz #pinklemurianseedcrystal #pinklemuriancluster #pinklemurians #pinklemurianseed #pinklemuriancrystal
