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Spessartine garnet and smoky quartz on feldspar - GAR6



Giant, deep ruby red spessartine garnets and perfect smoky quartz points on feldspar - GAR6 Measurements: 126mm x 96mm x 36mm Spessartine garnets on smoky quartz is a crystal combination that brings passion, grounding, and energetic balance into your life. The spessartine garnets infuse the smoky quartz with fiery energy and vibrancy. This crystal combination enhances your passion for life and creative expression. Spessartine garnets on smoky quartz provide grounding and stability, helping you stay connected to the Earth's energy. It balances and aligns your energy centers, promoting overall energetic harmony. This crystal combination supports the integration of passion and grounding in your spiritual journey. #FeatherlightDustGarnet #FeatherlightDustClusters #FeatherlightDustSmokyQuartz #garnet #garnetsmoky #garnetsmokyquartz #garnetfeldspar #smokyquartz #smokeyquartz #smokyquartzfeldspar #etchedgarnet #spessartine #spessartinegarnet #spessartinegarnetsmoky #smokygarnet #smokeygarnet #spessartinegarnetfeldspar

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