Super 7 enhydro with moving bubble - S718



Super 7 enhydro raw stone with 2 very clear record keepers, a big moving bubble, a cathedral base, and red hematite inclusions - S718 The super 7 enhydro combines the energies of seven minerals, including amethyst, quartz, and smoky quartz. It enhances your spiritual awareness, intuition, and psychic abilities. The enhydro inclusion adds a dynamic and fluid energy, promoting emotional healing and adaptability. The transformative energy of the super 7 enhydro will take you on a profound journey of spiritual growth and self-discovery. #featherlightdustsuper7 #featherlightdustenhydros #FeatherlightDust #super7 #superseven #enhydro #super7enhydro #supersevenenhydro #hematite #redhematite #recordkeeper #recordkeepersuper7 #recordkeeperenhydro

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